Algorithmic Trading
Algorithmic trading will allow you to save time as time is your most valuable asset, helping you easily make your investments on the Istanbul Stock Exchange Equity Market and Futures Market.
What is Algorithmic Trading?
Algorithmic trading (automatic buying and selling) refers to systems that generate buy and sell orders for capital market instruments using algorithms created with computer software, without human intervention, in accordance with the strategies determined by the use of time, quantity, price and other variables.
Algorithmic trading uses a variety of market information to very quickly assess the state of the market, determine when and how to trade, and then execute the resulting trading decisions in the market.
What is High-Frequency Trading (HFT)?
HFT, a subcategory of algorithmic trading, refers to automatic buy and sell transactions that reach speeds of a billionth of a second (nanosecond) in accordance with pre-programmed investment strategies. High-frequency financial data and advanced technological infrastructures are used to execute a large number of orders in very short periods of time. It is used in stock and futures markets through organized exchanges and electronic trading instruments.
Algolab: Turkey's first online algorithmic trading platform
The Captain of My Money
API Service
Quantitative Analysis Reports
High-Frequency Trading (HFT)
Data Line Displays (ideAlgo, Matrix IQ, Matrix Oracle)
Algolab: Turkey's first online algorithmic trading platform
Algolab is Turkey's first online algorithmic trading platform where customers can send orders to the Istanbul Stock Exchange stock and futures markets using their Deniz Yatırım account. In addition to sending orders for stock and futures contracts, you can send chain orders by specifying take profit and stop loss levels when entering orders, and you can trade with automatic buy and sell strategies that appeal to every investor.
Please click here for more information about Algolab.
The Captain of My Money
Through the Captain of My Money function, the system provides advice for stocks, mutual funds and private pension funds employing a personalized risk and return survey. Investors can automatically manage their portfolios with artificial intelligence according to the levels they set.
The Captain of My Money function on Algolab allows customers to create their portfolios by selecting from thematic investment baskets formed daily based on sector, market preferences and targeted returns.
API Service:
Deniz Investment customers can perform their algorithmic trading by using the API service they request. It can be found on the API service application through Algolab, and if it is deemed suitable the custom API service is activated. With the API key defined for the customer and the Algolab API document created specifically for the customer, the system can be easily accessed and access granted from the point where the service is requested. If the customer requests, they can also view instant data, depth data and carry out the transactions without any problems.
High-Frequency Trading (HFT)
Through the co-location service provided via Deniz Yatırım's proprietary software systems and the technological infrastructure of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST), high-frequency trading can be performed with selected instruments in the BIST Equity and Futures & Options markets.
Data Line Displays (ideAlgo, Matrix IQ, Matrix Oracle)
Using Deniz Yatırım, it enables the use of technical analysis modules if the features are activated via the Matrix and Ideal Data platforms. Investors can not only benefit from pre-built technical analysis modules, but also create their own indicators and write their own algorithms, and automatic orders can be placed.