Mission Statement and Values
To reinforce the competitive advantage and reputation of DenizYatırım Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. in the industry with quality services for its clients. It believes that this success can be achieved through the contribution of all employees in the spirit of "Total Quality Management".
The mission envisaged for DenizYatırım:
- To ensure customer satisfaction by observing the balance between employees, shareholders and regulators, and prioritize meeting customer needs and expectations, which is the only way to achieve this;
- To create competitive advantage and provide timely information to customers by constantly monitoring innovations in the industry and developments in the economy;
- To prioritize continuous learning and thus improving the work done when working to achieve specific goals and outcomes.
DenizYatırım strives to be a leader in meeting its customers' expectations of financial returns and service quality, and to maintain its place among the elite and reliable institutions in the capital markets. To this end, prioritizing customer satisfaction, it executes all its activities within the capital market product range effectively and transparently, taking into account the common denominator of customers, employees, shareholders and regulators.
At the forefront of the values adopted by DenizYatırım in realizing its mission are:
- Total Quality Approach (customer-oriented approach)
- Innovation and Development
- Work Ethic
- Team Spirit
- Full Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations