Equity Market
Deniz Yatırım provides quality service for your equity transactions with its strong infrastructure and easy market access.
What is Equity Market?
The Equity Market is a platform where shares of companies from different sectors, rights to purchase new shares, exchange-traded funds, warrants and certificates are traded under the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
DenizYatırım provides services with its extensive branch network, experienced team and research staff. You can place orders from DenizBank and DenizYatırım branches during working hours and through our electronic channels 24/7.
Equity Market Operations
Order Types
Normal (Limit) Orders
These are the orders for which price and quantity are entered. If no transaction transpires in part or in full at the time of entry, the unrealized part is assigned to the pending (passive) orders of the share according to the price and time priority order. Such orders are subject to a maximum limit of 3,000,000 TRY. This amount is calculated on the basis of the last transaction price. If there is no last transaction price, the previous closing price is checked. If neither is available, a price manually entered by the exchange is checked, otherwise a market order is not allowed by the system until a transaction takes place.
Market Orders
These are the orders containing only quantity information and no price. They are traded by matching them with the best-priced orders on the opposite side. If there are no matching orders on the other side, they are automatically canceled. With the single price method, market orders placed during the collection of orders are held in the order book until matching begins, which are traded when matching begins. Market orders that do not become transactions are not transferred to the continuous trading section of the session, they are canceled. Such orders are subject to a maximum limit of 3,000,000 TRY.
Validity Period of Orders
1. Daily
Unless otherwise specified in all markets of the Equity Market, each placed order is valid during the day on which it is placed, and if they are not processed, they are canceled at the end of the respective day.
2. CR (Cancel the Rest)
It is the type of order placed by specifying the price and quantity, and the portion of the order that is not fulfilled at the time of placement is automatically canceled.
3. Valid Until Cancellation (VUC)
In the Primary Exchange Market, orders placed can be valid until the end of the public offer period with the Variable and Fixed Price Book-building procedure. This type of validity is used on the primary market (in the HE ranks), where public offerings are conducted using the book-building procedure.
Credit Transactions and Short Selling
The List of Securities Subject to Margin Trading and Short Selling Transactions has been determined to include all stocks and ETFs traded on the BİAŞ Equity Market, with the exception of Sub-market, Pre-Market Trading Platform and Close Follow-up Market. Accordingly, equities and ETFs traded in the Star and Main Markets may be subject to both margin buying and short selling.
Margin buying and short selling cannot be made for warrants, certificates, ownership-based lease certificates, real estate investment funds and venture capital investment funds. Real estate certificates, on the other hand, can be bought on credit, but short selling cannot be made.
Our investors may want to increase their resources in their accounts according to market conditions. In this case, investors can be given loans based on their portfolio within the framework of legal regulations.
Short selling is the sale of capital market instruments that are not included in the investment portfolio.
Short selling can be made with shares approved for short sale by the Istanbul Stock Exchange and included in the BIST 100 index.Changes in the bills and groups can be made by CMB.With ongoing open sales, the lending market comes into play.
Thanks to this transaction, you can sell a stock whose price you expect to fall even though you do not have it, and then close out your position by buying it.
In order to conduct a short selling transaction at Deniz Yatırım, a Short Selling Agreement and a Securities Lending and Borrowing Agreement must be signed. Selecting the short sale option when placing an order ensures that short selling orders are sent.
Gross Clearing
When deemed necessary, CMB includes certain shares/stocks traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) in gross clearing for a specified or unspecified period of time in order to prevent speculative price and volume movements with these shares.
Shares may be included in or excluded from the scope of gross clearing only by CMB. The gross clearing period of shares is also determined by CMB.
Same-day (daily) purchase/sale is not possible for shares accepted for gross clearing.
No loan purchase of shares can take place under gross clearing; transactions can only be made in cash.
Circuit Breaker
It is an application that was launched by the Exchange in 2015. It is a system implemented to protect investors' capital from being adversely affected by price fluctuations exceeding the established limits. The circuit breaker is automatically activated upon a certain price change and transactions are temporarily suspended for shares to which a circuit breaker is applied.
Equity Markets
Star Market (Z): It means the market where the shares with a market value of 300 million TRY and more of the part offered to the public at the first listing on the stock exchange are traded.
Main Market (N): It means the market where the shares with a market value of 75 - 300 million TRY of the part offered to the public at the first listing on the stock exchange are traded.
Sub-Market (T): It means the market where the shares with a market value of 40 - 75 million TRY of the part offered to the public at the first listing on the stock exchange are traded.
Close Follow-Up Market: According to the Listing Directive, it is the market on which the shares of the partnerships that have the possibility of being removed from the Star Market, Main Market and Sub-market are traded.
STRUCTURED PRODUCTS AND FUND MARKET: It is the market where exchange traded fund participation certificates, warrants, certificates, ownership-based lease certificates, real estate investment funds and venture capital investment funds can be traded.
Qualified Investor Trading Market: It was established to ensure that a company's shares issued for sale to qualified investors without a public offering and other capital market instruments approved by the Board of Directors can only be traded among qualified investors. Those who are not qualified investors cannot trade on this market.
Pre-Market Trading Platform: The shares of companies that are publicly traded and whose shares are not traded on the Exchange, referred for trading on this platform by the Exchange, can be traded in the pre-market.
Principles of Clearing
İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası A.Ş. (Takasbank) is the central clearing house authorized to complete cash and securities clearing of securities transactions in the existing markets within the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
The clearing day is T+2, the second business day after the transaction.
A multiple-layered system of clarification is used.
Payments are made on the same day with the funds accumulated in the accounts.
Delivery on payment basis applies.
Transaction Hours
Please click here to go to the trading hours of the equity market.
Capital Increases
Capital Increase Through Rights Issues
This is an increase in the company's capital by issuing new shares by resolution of the general assembly after payment of the price of the shares corresponding to the company's share capital.
Shareholders not wishing to participate in the capital increase can sell their subscription rights via the "BIST Subscription Rights Coupon Market".
Investors who wish to participate in the paid-in capital increase must notify us that they will participate and hold the required amount of cash in their accounts until the last day of the appropriation date.
Capital Increase Through Bonus Issues
It is a type of capital increase in which companies use their own internal funds (issue premium, revaluation increase, reserves, profits from sales of investments and fixed assets, dividends, etc.) and distribute shares free of charge without drawing additional funds from their partners.
It is automatically reflected in the accounts. Our investors do not have to do anything.
In the registered capital system, bonus shares are credited to your account two business days after the capital increase (T+2).
Public Offering
Public offering is the sale of shares in a company by means of a call or announcement for trading of shares on the Istanbul Stock Exchange in order to provide a source of funding for companies.
In order for companies to offer company shares to the public, they must have the approval and permission of the Capital Markets Board.
Shares of publicly offered companies can be traded on the BIST Equity Market, allowing many investors to buy shares/stocks of that company.